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A presidente da AFLEX, Sra. Claudia Siano Rajecki,
Dossiê sobre a situação dos funcionários locais do MRE no exterior foi entregue à Presidência da República
(Dossier on the situation of theMinistry of External Relations’ Locally Hired Employees was hand delivered tothe Brazilian Office of the President still in 2013.)
Em suas mãos, a presidente da AFLEX traz o dossiê que foi entregue ao assessor da Presidente da República Dilma Rousseff, Sr. José Feijó.
Já nesta ocasião a AFLEX demonstrava forte preocupação com a "panela de pressão" formando-se no exterior.
O ambiente de trabalho, já extremamente desgastado, certamente teria mais pressão com a demanda aumentada para a Copa do Mundo.
Além da entidade não obter resposta positiva, a presidente e alguns diretores começaram a ser perseguidos.
O que a AFLEX faz é transparente, o que o MRE faz ou pretende fazer nem sempre é divulgado.
Cumprimos o que informamos, após a paralisação de 48 h retornamos ao trabalho normalmente, apesar do apelo de muitos membros para que continuássemos por tempo indeterminado.
Dossier on the situation of the
Ministry of External Relations’ Locally Hired Employees was hand delivered to
the Brazilian Office of the President still in 2013.
In June 2013, the President of AFLEX,
Ms. Claudia Siano Rajecki, accompanied by the Association’s legal
representative, was received at the Planalto Palace by Mr. José Feijó, one of
President Dilma Rousseff’s Special Advisors.
During the meeting, Ms. Rajecki hand
delivered a document and voiced her apprehension with the increasing
dissatisfaction brewing on Brazilian missions abroad. According to her, the
work environment was already extremely degraded and would, certainly, be more
pressured with the increase work demand projected due to the World Cup.
The Association not only did not receive
a response from the government, but also had some of its directors persecuted.
After the 48 h stoppage on May 13th-14th,
AFLEX summoned, as stated on previous communications, its members to return to
work, even though a large number of them wanted to remain protesting.
AFLEX’s President, through the
Comunicado#1, requests President Dilma and the MRE to open a channel for
DIA 13- May 13th /PARALISAÇÃO/stoppage - SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 14- May 14th/PARALISAÇÃO/stoppage - SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 15 - May 15th - SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 16 - May 16th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 17 - May 17th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 18 - May 18th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 19 - May 19th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 20 - May 20th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 21 - May 21th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 22 - May 22th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 23 - May 23th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 24 - May 24th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 25 - May 25th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 26 - May 26th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 27 - May 27th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 28 - May 28th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 29 - May 29th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 30 - May 30th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 31 - May 31th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
DIA 1 a 10 de junho - June 1st to 10th- SEM CONTATO/without contact
E contando... and counting...
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